
We are 4 friends convinced that culture is a way of life that must be cultivated! That’s why we create refined accessories around the book. It is a beautiful object, that we share, that travels, that touches the beauty of a writing and the intimacy.

The real luxury today? It is to read a novel without being robbed of your personal data on every page you turn and without you knowing it. In short, a total and soothing relaxation that preserves the secret of your intimacy.

Like you, we like to smile and surprise. That’s why our accessories always have a hidden, mysterious and surprising element that will certainly make you smile when you discover it!

We will soon develop other accessories in leather goods to celebrate the French art of living: around wine, gastronomy, travel or perfume.

If we design eternal and refined products, however, we are aware that our planet is not immortal.

That’s why our book cover is made in Paris and we work exclusively with vegetable leather based on apple peels, the apple leather.

Pascale Bonnamour : manager

Fabienne Hirtz : partner

Patrice Beaudou : partner

Eric Janin : partner

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